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Known to make the bones healthy, increase flexibility and build strength in the body, Pilates is immensely gaining popularity among the millennials and is practiced by millions over the world resulting in new Pilates training centers opening in every corner of the globe.

This fitness workout concentrates on the core of the body since it is deemed to be one of the most vital parts of the body. Often, people turn to Pilates to heal a certain injury, reduce stress and treat back pain. Many people attend Pilates training for its efficiency with precise movements.

This sort of exercise is very effective for your abs, especially the transverse abdominis (TA). The first thing that comes to everyone’s mind when talking about abs is 6 pack or 8 pack muscles. Strong abs are wrongly referred to as flat abs and flat abs are deemed as a strong core. However, this is a myth. This is because there are a handful of muscles that make up the core and many experts would say that a strong core goes far beyond the abdominals. The body cannot be separated into pieces. It all works together for strength, balance and function.

But, to break it down and make it easier, this article concentrates mainly on the transverse abdominis muscles in particular. By learning to effectively engage this muscle, your goal can be achieved in a shorter time span. This is a deep core muscle that is responsible for stability. Located on the front and side of the abdomen, it is an anterior and lateral muscle layer. With the help of the surrounding abdominal muscles, it supports the pelvis, spine and organs. It is placed under the 6th rib and stretches down the pelvis.

How to engage the transverse abdominis?

Engaging the transverse abdominis muscles is extremely significant during your ab workout. Just pushing the belly in and out does not engage this muscle. Focusing on this deep core muscle and engaging it in all your workouts is proven to be a faster way to gain results. However, it is necessary to do qualitative reps as many times as possible. Pregnant women should consider qualitative reps of Pilates to engage the transverse abdominis before and after the child is born.

Gone are the days when you do a set of 100 haphazard squats and expect to gain results. Now is a time when the youth focuses on working with precision and a reasonable understanding of how the different organs of the bodywork. Such a method is sure to give better results in a shorter span of time.

Many celebrities swear by practicing Pilates for their regular workout regime. DJ and model Megha Kawale is one of them. She was exposed to the Pilates scene when she was in New York for a modeling assignment and since then she just got hooked onto it. If you’re looking for Pilates in South Mumbai, then Mindkore Pilates studio is for you that teaches you this interesting workout. She now demonstrates the same on the website where you can watch her do the workout and follow her in the comfort of your home.

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